The Reformed Theology Source was created in the late 1990s in an effort to promote reformed theology and to provide the Church with some helpful resources. In 2008, 'The Reformed Theology Source' morphed into a WordPress blog with ministry-related articles. By 2014, however, new blog posts ceased to be added.

The intention with this current iteration of 'The Reformed Theology Source' is to provide an online repository for Pastor Bryn's sermons, miscellaneous writings, and other reformed resources. Since the content of this website will be somewhat static, you will be helped by visiting the 'Social' page, which points to Bryn's YouTube channel, Instagram, GoodReads and other social media handles.

Screen Shot from the 1990s

In July 2022, Pastor Bryn's first book was released - Purposeful Pain: What Your Troubles Achieve. This book is a capture of his teaching on the subject of pain and suffering while pastoring in Nassau, Bahamas (2010 to present).

John Calvin

What Is Reformed Theology?
The phrase "reformed theology" has a range of meanings and uses. It is easier to note the markings, or characteristics, of reformed theology than it is to reduce it to a single definition. For example, the Ligonier Ministries website defines reformed theology as "the systematic theology formulated by thinkers in the Reformed tradition during and after the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century" and then goes on to assert, "Reformed theology is simply covenant theology."

Carl Trueman, noting the confessional character of reformed theology, writes, "At a more technical level (reformed theology) refers specifically to Protestant churches that hold as confessional norms the Three Forms of Unity, the Westminster Standards, or (in the case of Reformed Baptists) the Second London Confession." On a more popular level, reformed theology is associated with the acronym, TULIP , and with the "5 Solas".

As important and as helpful as TULIP and the Solas are, these do not sufficiently span all that is captured in the phrase, "reformed theology". A brief article written by Joel Beeke and Paul Smalley helps to enlarge the coverage of reformed theology's characteristics under the heading: 10 Things You Should Know about Reformed Theology. Additionally, I invite you to plumb the depths of reformed theology by gleaning from the resources recommended within this site!